We’re on TikTok!

<a href="https://www.thestagecrafts.com/author/gregorycrafts/" target="_self">Greg</a>


Posted on September 3, 2021

Greg and Jenn Crafts, better known as The StageCrafts

We’re on TikTok!

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2 min read

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We’re on TikTok!

@thestagecraftsStuff Left at the Theater: Part 3 ##theatre ##theatermanager ##spookyprops ##lostandfound ##abandonedthings ##theatretok ##losangelestheater ##fyp ##funnybones♬ Monkeys Spinning Monkeys – Kevin MacLeod

That’s right, we’ve joined the Chinese intelligence aggregator (or is it?) app known for lip-synching and dance videos and… we’re doing neither!

Instead, we’re planning on sharing short glimpses behind the scenes at our venues, a series videos cataloging the various sundry items that have been left behind, and sure, maybe an occasional meme.

So hey, if you’re on there, give us a follow, check out Stuff People Have Left At Our Theater, and leave us a comment, either here or on the ‘Tok. What kinds of videos do you want to see us make?

Got any questions you’d like to ask us on TikTok?

Maybe about theatre? Or Los Angeles? Or theatre in Los Angeles?

And for those of you who follow us on YouTube, fear not; we’re working on some plans for new videos over there. We’re just trying to be more realistic about how much time planning and editing longer videos take, and rescaling our ambitions accordingly. Ideally, I’d like to see us do a TikTok a day, a new blog post at least once a week, and maybe a 10-15 minute video on YouTube per month. Or maybe some sort of semi-regular livestream!

We’re currently applying (or re-applying, as it were) for federal COVID relief and if awarded those funds, we’re planning on making improvements to the space and upgrade some of our equipment. We’re talking upgrading the sound system, getting better cameras and microphones to livestream events, and improvements like remodeling the front lobby and the dressing rooms, re-doing the stage floor, and upgrading the light grid.

And I still want to do that theatre podcast…

See, this is why we need interns.


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